It’s Been Too Long!

After a long break from blogging, I’m back!

I’ve had this domain for quite a while now, and played around with Jekyll, Nikola and other static blogging platforms. Blogging fell by the wayside last year due to some personal issues. Now I have a little free time again I decided to give this another shot.

I’ve decided to switch from static sites to WordPress for a while to tinker with some plugins, and also so it’s easier to update on the move.

The last few months I’ve been dealing with terrible brain fog and low energy, and have found a lot of fun in a game called A Tale In The Desert. It’s an Egyptian themed, crafting-focused MMO that’s got a lot of depth to it, but that’s nice and slow paced. Ideal for someone whose energy levels are up and down.

My pet project right now is writing a helper app to make it easier for me to keep track of what’s needed to pass certain tests in that game. I’m using Python with PySimpleGui for the UI, and BeautifulSoup for text parsing.

I also rejoined the RSA and have joined their Responsible Artificial Intelligence Network. AI is a fascinating topic. I’m looking forward to having thoughtful conversations that cut through both the hype and the fear surrounding it.

So, here’s to my first post on my relaunched blog. To the few readers that kept my RSS feed in their subscriptions during my absence, thanks for your patience!